The following videos can be used to help your students understand more about the children and culture of Central Asia as part of the lessons and activities in the Pennies for Peace curriculum. Although the videos are appropriate for all audiences, teachers are highly encouraged to preview them in advance.

Welcome to Pennies for Peace

Welcome to Pennies for Peace – short version!

(running time: 56 seconds)

What is Pennies for Peace - animated video

What is Pennies for Peace? An animated video for students.

(running time: 2 minutes, 08 seconds)

What is Pennies for Peace

Chicago School Video- Welcome to Pennies for Peace – long version!

(running time: 3 minutes, 21 seconds)

Celebration Video

Celebration Video

(running time: 0 minutes, 32 seconds)

Food Video

Food Video

(running time: 1 minute, 06 seconds)

Video on Islam

Islam Video

(running time: 1 minute, 25 seconds)

Play Video

Play Video

(running time: 1 minute, 33 seconds)

School Video

School Video

(running time: 1 minute, 47 seconds)

Day in an Afghan School

Afghan School Girl’s Day Video

(running time: 2 minutes, 47 seconds)

Geography Video


(running time: 3 minutes, 21 seconds)